Digital Printing Innovations

ITMA 2019 displayed the most recent developments in advanced printing from early pioneers and newcomers to the market.

First presented at ITMA 1991, material inkjet printers were a curiosity hue process showcased toward testing and top of the line short runs in light of the low creation speed of 10 meters for every hour (m/h). At ITMA 2019, about 30 years after this innovation was first appeared, material inkjet printers arrived at paces of 90 meters for every moment (m/min), making this innovation now profoundly serious with revolving screen printing.

Digital fabric prints produced using the Nassenger SP-1 from Konica Minolta
Figure : Digital fabric prints produced using the Nassenger SP-1 from Konica Minolta.

With speeds approaching and a few occurrences outperforming rotational printers, material inkjet printing holds an upper hand since it dispenses with the screen arrangement procedure and offers the capacity to hold print data in an advanced organization up until creation. By wiping out the screen and flying the colorant, inkjet printing considers greater adaptability in the print rehash size, empowers an expansion in the quantity of hues without expanding cost, gives ability to better line detail, and lessens water and vitality utilization. The almost negligible difference detail and expanded number of hues can deliver a close to photographic picture on the material substrate; and the end of rehash sizes empowers the print fashioner to build a print inside the scale, shape, and ideal situation of the material item, empowering new item classifications. Be that as it may, the computerized idea of inkjet printing is driving this innovation as makers are looking for approaches to put up items for sale to the public quicker so as to rapidly react to purchaser request.

Single Pass Versus Scan-Type Printers

The expansion in inkjet printer speeds is credited to changes in the setup of the printhead framework, which permitted an increment in spouts. Sweep type printers work by moving the printhead carriage to and fro over the substrate. Albeit extensively quicker than when previously presented, the furthest reaches of output type printers is ordinarily around 300 m/h, except for the Mini Lario — produced by Italy-based MS Printing Solutions S.r.l. — which can print up to 600 m/h. Single-pass printers print at fundamentally higher paces in light of the fact that the print head framework is masterminded with the end goal that the texture is taken care of under a fixed print unit and the texture moves under the print bars at a steady speed developing the print picture over the full width of the substrate by one stroke or go of vertical picture. In single-pass printing, each printhead station planes one shade of cyan, fuchsia, yellow, or dark (CMYK) with the ability to signify four extra stations of hues, for example, blue, green, violet, dim, red, or orange. The impression of single-pass printers is significantly bigger than checking mode printers, anyway the speed of single-pass printers frequently legitimizes the huge area.

Single-Pass Printers

At ITMA 2019, five single-pass printers were shown. Today, handfuls are introduced comprehensively. Italy-based EFI Reggiani — a division of Electronics For Imaging (EFI) Inc., Fremont, Calif. — presented the most up to date single pass printer, the 1.8-meter-wide Reggiani BOLT, which can accomplish print rates of 90 m/min at a 600 x 600 specks for every inch (dpi) goals. The printhead has capacity of variable drop sizes extending from 5 to 30 picolitres (pL). An imaginative, discretionary, element of the Bolt printer is that at least one coordinated simple printing stations can be incorporated to be utilized for enhancements, for example, a metallic color or as a pre-treatment gadget.

The Bolt Single Pass Printer from EFI Reggiani
Figure : The Bolt Single Pass Printer from EFI Reggiani

The Bolt printer is the fifth single-pass printer to be appeared at ITMA with four already debuting at ITMA 2015. The four other single-pass printers are MS Printing Solutions' Lario, Japan-based Konica Minolta's Nassenger SP-1, the Netherlands-based SPGPrints' Pike, and China-based Atexco's Vega One. Data additionally was given at ITMA to a six single-pass printer from Switzerland-based Mouvent, with its name to be resolved, however the printer was not shown and isn't yet financially accessible.

MS Printing Solutions, a Dover organization, has 27 Larios introduced around the world; 24 of which are predominately utilized for direct to texture printing, two for material sublimation and one for a non-material application (See Table 1). The Lario has creation print rates of 75 m/min for material substrates — empowering 20,000 to 80,000 meters for every day of printed texture — and 120 m/min for paper printing. At ITMA, MS demonstrated an imaginative in-line pre-treatment technique for responsive inks that comprised of laying a froth onto the belt under the texture, and afterward adding strain to the highest point of texture to constrain infiltration of the pretreatment.

Konica Minolta's Nassenger SP-1 has an aggregate of 1,024 channel heads with autonomous drive, and variable drop sizes from 6-30 pL. The organization built up its own printhead which permits adaptability in the ink alteration with the goal that dull and light hues might be joined during the printing procedure. The printer can be designed for up to nine hues with capacity to utilize responsive, scatter or corrosive colors.

Konica Minolta’s Nassenger SP-1 is equipped with a new printhead module designed for single-pass printing
Figure : Konica Minolta’s Nassenger SP-1 is equipped with a new printhead module designed for single-pass printing.

The Nassenger SP-1 prints top notch prints with genuinely great ink entrance from the face to back of the texture. Another striking capacity of this printer is a programmed printhead cleaning and void spout recognition framework to keep up stable creation and diminished personal time. To additionally diminish printer down time, the Nassenger SP-1 is outfitted with a texture wrinkle-location work and inward printhead spout surfaces to forestall transport issues. The Nassenger SP-1 can accomplish print paces of 60 m/min.

SPG Prints' Pike printer has printing rates of 40 to 90 m/h relying upon the ideal print quality. The Pike utilizes Samba printheads from Santa Clara, Calif.- based Fujifilm Dimatix Inc. that join a recycling ink channel framework that forestalls ink stopping up. Likewise, the printhead keeps up warm soundness for the span of the print run. This vigorous plan empowers SPG to give year and a half of guarantee on the printheads. An extraordinary element of the Pike is that it utilizes the Archer® innovation, whereby the head print plates can be situated 3 to 6 millimeters (mm) away from the substrate, which extraordinarily lessens the danger of a head strike. Normally, printheads are situated 2 to 3 mm over the substrate, which represents a hazard to the printhead if the texture is wrinkled. Bowman innovation can precisely fly over an a lot more noteworthy separation than different printheads while as yet accomplishing a local goals of 1200 x 1200 dpi. The Pike can be arranged with six to nine printing stations, and each print station has a devoted Archer print bar containing 43 print heads with variable drop sizes from 2-10 pL and a flying recurrence of 32 kilohertz (kHz).

A double-sided digitally printed scarf made using Atexco’s Vega One
Figure : A double-sided digitally printed scarf made using Atexco’s Vega One.

Atexco's single pass Vega One fast printer can print 80 m/min for creation limit of 8,000 to 10,000 meters for each day. The high-exactness printhead spouts can print with up to 1,900 pixels for every inch. The Vega One likewise is fit for printing one side of texture, checking for arrangement, and afterward printing the switch side. This tale highlight is reasonable for twofold sided printing of items, for example, scarves and signals and may tackle the issue of poor ink entrance that has demonstrated tricky for inkjet prints.

Scan-Type Printers

While sped up single-pass printers was featured at ITMA 2019, so too was the refinement of output type printers. New to the forte print showcase, Twine Solutions Ltd., Israel, debuted a machine for printing sewing string on request. String can be colored in a huge number of hues promptly and on request, making interesting hues, conceals or even slopes. New to the material inkjet printer showcase, Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP), Palo Alto, Calif. — generally a producer of printers for paper and signs and standards — indicated the STITCH S Printer Series for scatter imprinting on both exchange paper and material rolls. What's more Spain-based KERAjet, designer and pioneer of advanced artistic printing innovation for floor tiles, demonstrated a rapid computerized material printer.

Zimmer’s COLARIS

Austria-based Zimmer Austria Inc. displayed its shade printing ability with the COLARIS 96-3400 — a 3.4-meter-wide advanced inkjet printer that can be equipped with up to 96 printheads. This lead printer is reasonable for material applications and permits a limit past 1,000 square meters for each hour (m2/h). Zimmer exhibited an inline drying framework with a little impression that utilizes an interesting infrared innovation in blend with a vacuum suction framework to fix the shade. Colaris printers might be utilized with an assortment of colorants, for example, responsive, scatter, corrosive, shade, and tank for printing lightweight to very heavyweight textures that require colorant infiltration through the substrate, for example, covering, towels, and extravagant or substantial car and home stylistic theme textures. Zimmer has a few Colaris shade establishments in Europe and Asia and the primary unit in the United States additionally was as of late introduced. For the U.S. showcase, Zimmer has concentrated on home stylistic layout and advanced disguise printing, therefore the accentuation on shade and tank colorants.

The Colaris arrangement of output type printers ranges from 2.2 to 5.2 meter print width, while the COLARIS-NF is a solitary pass printer for tight textures. In-line pre-and-post medicines frameworks can be added to improve print quality and increment ink infiltration. The MAGNOROLL GMA and CHROMOJET (CHR-DPT) are inline pre-treatment tools, the first for lighter-to medium-weight textures and the second for medium to substantial substrates, for example, terry towels, rushed textures, velour, and even floor covering. The SUPRAPRESS press station can be included as an expanded entrance and evening out gadget to guarantee greatest infiltration on items like floor coverings or PES covers. The SUPRAFIX SHS is a consolidated, flat shading obsession framework utilizing alternatively soaked steam, superheated steam or tourist according to the measure of ink being utilized. The obsession action is constrained by a course through steam/sight-seeing stream and guarantees the most elevated entrance, ink obsession and drying in a solitary go at the briefest conceivable time.

Graph showing the temperature stability of Fujifilm Dimatix’s Samba printhead
Figure : Graph showing the temperature stability of Fujifilm Dimatix’s Samba printhead

The Colaris printers are outfitted with Fujifilm Dimatix's StarFire™ SG1024 smaller mechanical printheads. The printhead is accessible in four models for Colaris printers, each with changing drop size ability:

  • The X-Small printhead is for light textures under 150 grams for each square meter or when astounding definition, fine forms or overly smooth degrees are required with drop sizes from 7 to 21 pl; 
  • The Small or SA model is expected for printing of light-and medium-weight home style, clothing, and banner substrates that can accomplish ink infiltration with drop sizes going from 12 to 35 pl; 
  • The medium or MA printhead has capacity of 30-75 pL drops and is most appropriate for medium-weight floor coverings, velours, terry fabric and low to medium rich heaps; and 
  • The enormous or LA model printhead is fit for 75 to 180 pL drop sizes for ink infiltration of voluminous substrates, for example, heavier weight rug, hides, and rich covers.

In the event that both scarcely discernible difference definition and entrance is required, at that point there are two alternatives — pick the little SA printhead size and print with higher goals to accomplish more ink laydown; or utilizing a medium MA or huge LA printhead, work the head just utilizing the littlest drop size to get the fine shapes.


KERAjet has acquainted its modern printhead innovation with materials. Its machines are accessible in three widths — the KERAtex MP 3400 has print widths up to 3.4 meters; the KERAtex MP 2400 has print widths up 2.4 meters; and the KERAtex MP 1800 has print width up to 1.8 meters. Despite the model, the entirety of the Kerajet arrangement printers are completely configurable for up to 10 shades of any water based colors or shades colorants, up to eight printheads, and have open stages for colorant and raster picture process (RIP). Kerajet printers include Fujifilm Dimatix's StarFire 1024 printhead.

Kerajet’s KERAtex digital printer
Figure : Kerajet’s KERAtex digital printer

HP Stitch

HP appeared the Stitch arrangement of printers with local 1,200 dpi printhead goals for striking hues and profound blacks. This low support printer can print unattended at creation rates of up to 220 m2/h. HP is one of just a couple of printer producers that additionally possess and work printhead manufacturing plants and the organization exploited its innovative work capacity to carry a progression of printers to the market that they utilize warm as opposed to the piezoelectric printheads. With a piezoelectric printhead an electric charge is applied to the piezo gem causing a vibration that powers ink out of the printhead spout. With warm printheads the ink is quickly warmed, producing bubbles that remove the ink through a spout. Most by far of material ink printers available utilize piezoelectric printheads. For the most part warm printheads are more affordable, however previously, there was similarity issues with certain kinds of colorant. HP has figured out how to build up a scatter ink appropriate for a warm printhead. Likewise, HP warm printheads empower more spouts — up to four fold the number — in this way when a spout is out, others can fill the hole. In contrast to piezoelectric which is touchy to warm, the warm printhead takes into account a drying to happen in the print zone empowering the ink to dry quickly upon affidavit on the paper taking into account lighter-weight papers for sublimation.

HP’s Stitch printers feature a thermal versus the more commonly-used piezoelectric printheads
Figure : HP’s Stitch printers feature a thermal versus the more commonly-used piezoelectric printheads.

The Stitch S1000 can print up to 3.2 meters wide at velocities of 10 m/h for a six pass, best print and up to 18.7 m/h at greatest speed. A spectrophotometer is incorporated with the printer to empower online alignment over different printers, paying little heed to the area of the printers. The Stitch S1000 likewise is furnished with an optical media propelled framework with a photograph catch capacity to guarantee ideal medium feed all through the print run.

Single pass printers offer speeds and costs that are serious with rotational screen printing, anyway check type printers are as yet the prevail kind of material inkjet printer on the grounds that the lower cost permits printing specialist co-ops to introduce more printers, with the adaptability of differing colorant type or printer producer inside their processing plants. Sweep type printers are additionally appropriate for organizations firing up an inkjet printing division who don't need an enormous capital venture before figuring out how to ideally execute the new innovation into their current assembling process. What's more, obviously, the lower cost of these printers despite everything address the issues of testing, prototyping and claim to fame print markets. Innovative work proceeds in machine advancements, for example, texture taking care of, printhead ability and power, quality control components for spout disappointment and texture wrinkle locator frameworks; and science improvements in colorant and pre-treatment. For fruitful usage of this innovation despite everything required is advancement of the printing store network for process, water, vitality, and value decrease.

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